Delivery notes can be created from scratch or from existing jobs.
The details are:
- Delivery # - the number assigned by Blaq for the delivery.
- Status
- Open - the delivery note is still being used
- Ready - the delivery is ready to be sent
- Sent - the delivery has been sent
- Cancelled - the delivery has been cancelled
- Job # - a delivery can be connected with a job and will then show up in the job's Costs section.
- Account - if the delivery is connected with a job, this is the customer for the job.
- Order Number - if the delivery is connected with a job, this is the order number for the job.
- Goods Description - a description of the goods to be delivered.
- Entered By - the person who entered the delivery note.
- Delivery Date - the date of the delivery, automatically set to the date the delivery note was created.
- Type - the 'type' of delivery. This is a product from the Products section which has been set to a Courier product. This allows the deliveries to be shown as an item in a job's costing section and subsequently added to a job's production details.
- Courier - the courier used, this will be a supplier added in the Supplier Setup section.
- Con. Note # - the consignment note number, a number provided by the courier.
- Amount - the cost of the courier delivery.
- Delivery Address - details of where the goods are to be sent as well as any specific delivery instructions.
Last modified: 7/12/2009