The Sub-Employees section allows you to connect other employees to the currently open employee so that they may have shared access.

To connect another employee, click on the "New" button and select the employee who you would like to give access to. Listed below the selected employee will be several different sections of Blaq. For each section, you can choose whether the "sub-employee" access should be:
  • None - they will have no access at all 
  • View Only - the ability to view the information but not make any changes to it 
  • Modify - the ability to view and modify it. 
 When finished, click on "Save" to keep the changes.

Access Rights
  • Activities - if set to 'View' or 'Modify', this sub-employee's activities (except those marked as confidential) will be visible in the employee's Planner.
  • Reports - if set to 'View', this sub-employee will be selectable by the employee in the reports section.
Last modified: 6/06/2011